Powell Creek Culvert

posted in: WRIA 11 Nisqually | 0


Powell Creek, a 240-acre parcel, was purchased by the Nisqually Land Trust. It was the largest privately held property in the salmon rearing section of the Nisqually River. This property added 2.5 miles of Nisqually River shoreline to the sections of land already protected by the Land Trust and several other government agencies. The property has stands of mature forest along the length of the river contributing to prime habitat. It also includes a floodplain wetland complex at the confluence of Nisqually and Powell Creek.

Although Powell Creek had intact habitat it also had 3 culverts blocking the migration of Chinook, coho, steelhead, and cutthroat.

Powell Creek Culvert Replacement

This project replaced a failing culvert with a 50’ steel-beam bridge. Three log jams were installed to recreate historic in-stream woody debris. The project was completed in summer 2009 and funded by FFFPP and NRCS

Here are a couple of pictures of the finished product!

Powell Creek Culvert and Road Removal

In 2008 SPSSEG, in partnership with the Nisqually Land Trust and the Nisqually Tribe, removed 3 culverts and an abandoned road in the Nisqually floodplain.

Photos to come!