Allison Springs Estuary is a 50-acre complex of shorelines, tide flats, salt marsh, forested freshwater tributaries, and springs. The restoration project sought to restore estuarine and wetland function in the area, as well as provide juvenile salmon habitat.
Historically the property was used for rearing trout and chinook. The property included eight artificial ponds, as well as culverts, dams, weirs, and tidal barriers. In addition to the fish passage barriers, many invasive plant species are present. These species include English Ivy, Scotch Broom, Japanese Knotweed, and Himalayan Blackberry, which alter the native plant communities, and reduce the input of Large Woody Debris into the system.
The removal of the man-made structures, has opened fish passage and increased the available habitat. A team of volunteers are currently working on extracting the invasive plants species in the area and reestablishing the native vegetation through a series of plantings this fall.
Project Partners: Squaxin Island Tribe, People for Puget Sound, SRFB, Stream Team, and Capitol Land Trust.